Just Fall Back Genesis 24

Just Fall Back


I perched on the edge of the stage looking forward with my back to the auditorium, my palms began to sweat. I knew my classmates were in front ready to catch me, but not being able to see them made a bigger difference than I thought it would. In reality it had been on the edge for just a few minutes, but it felt like hours. I knew what I was suppose to do, but I just couldn't make myself lean back, and fall into their waiting arms. I would start to go but only me head and shoulder would obey. My feet staid firmly planted on what I could see and feel. 
Voices of encouragement and I'm sure a bit of impatience begin to chant, and finally when the embarrassment of failure wins out, I fall, with zero grace, into the nothing, hating. I am caught, placed on the ground, and the next "truster" takes their turn.
It looks so easy when you're on the ground.  Only after I had my turn on the platform did I get it. I want to be able to see, feel and control what's happening in my life. I hated the feeling of letting go. We are not designed to fall into the unknown. My reactions wanted me to stop, double check, be SURE!
We like control. We are prideful and self reliant. When asked if we need help we quip; “I’m fine”, “I can take care of myself”. It is rare to have someone we trust so completely that we are able to let go and fall, without worry, knowing they will bet there.

Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son. This is the son he had waited for, the son God had told him to sacrifice and then graciously did not take.  Now without Sarah by his side, he needed to get a wife for their son. Sarah had passed away 3 years earlier, and Isaac was all he had. No-one, except maybe his servant, could share all this family had been through. 
Abraham wants a girl from his own clan for Isaac to marry. Abraham must have trusted his servant immensely to give him such a crucial task, “go, find a wife for the son of promise, the son that will be the beginning of a nation more numerous than the stars in the sky, a people set apart for God”, no pressure though.
 The servant fulfills the task by putting his trust in the same God his master had trusted all these years. His prayer is sincere and dripping with trust. God answers this courageous act of faith by giving the answer before the last words leave his lips, you will enjoy reading this story, even if you know it well.


  • Abraham wants to see Isaac married as he himself is getting on in years.
  • Isaac is probably close to 40 years old at this time
  • It was a 500 mile Journey to cousin Laban's house. Abraham did not want Isaac to go and was adamant that Isaac not marry a Canaanite, as they did not worship his God.
  • Abraham informs the servant that God’s angel will go before him.
  • Laban and Bethuel, Rebekah’ parents, recognized God's leading and gave the approval required by their culture for Eliezer to speak to Rebekah.
  • Rebekah takes Sarah’s place in the family by occupying her tent.

The Whole Story:

Link to Genesis 23-24


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