It all comes back around Genesis 29-31

Genesis 29-31
We last left Jacob fleeing for his life, and getting a view of heaven that would forever change his perspective on life.
His travels take him to the home of his mother Rebekah.
His troubles are over. In comes Uncle Laban. His mothers brother. We begin to see some family traits emerge.
Jacob falls in love with cousin Rachel. Not only does Jacob get a firsthand perspective of being on the wrong end of a bait and switch, but he gets a good look in the mirror. He learns where his mother got her sneaky ways as he deals with his Uncle. Jacob is tenacious. He is head over heals in love with Rachel. He is not in love with her older sister Leah, which I don't personally see as a crime.
 Laban lies and uses the traditions as an excuse. Jacob would rather work for 14 years and have two wives that not have Rachel at all. Jacob's no a bad guy. His good qualities start to show themselves at this time. He is a hard worker, flexible, he shows commitment and keeps his word. Not that I am defending his bad qualities, I just want to point out that he has some good ones.

  • God is with Jacob and blesses him, despite Jacobs downfalls. His promises to Jacob are not dependent of Jacobs choices or actions. 
  • Jacob matures.
  • The sisters Leah and Rachel are in a never ending battle along a couple of maidservants to provide Jacob with son's. In biblical times, although men had more than one wife and often slept with maidservants for the sake of children, it never seems to turn out well.
  • He must have learned a lot in those years, living with two competing sisters, two maidservants that were often pregnant, 12 sons and a daughter. I'm guessing he hung out in the fields as much as possible.
  • Jacob spends 14+ years in the pressure cooker. God wears him down and teaches Him that no matter how clever he thinks he is, the only place he can put his trust in is God.
There are many strange and confusing customs in these passages, but our focus isn't Middle Eastern customs, our focus is on knowing God.
Mandrakes, jealous sisters, and striped sheep make for a great story, but God's interactions with Jacob interest me the most. God's care for the sisters is touching. How God allows striped sheep to be born in front of certain sticks is humorous.  Rachel stealing her father's idols is disturbing. I marvel at whu and how God loves us, and how he has worked through history to bring us to Himself.
Jacob will father the 12 tribes of Israel through these four women. Through the tribe of Levi Jesus will eventually be born.

Read Genesis 29-31

Philippians 1:6
New International Version (NIV)being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


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