Where are you taking me? Exodus 17

Where are you taking me?

I had recently been let go from a position on my job. It was  pretty cushy position and I probably would have never left on my own.
After being let go I had a lot of time on my hands. I was looking for a job while collecting unemployment, but still had many unfilled hours.
I had also recently seen the 5th of my 7 children leave the nest. The next two weren't far behind.
I tried to fill the time with many activities, but still was left feeling un-useful. We were not actively part of a church body at this time, we had been searching for a church so I was also without any ministry obligation. Then the thoughts began attacking; "maybe God took you out because you were a bad leader, maybe you had your chance and blew it, what if God was fed up with your flaws.
I was miserable and wallowing, I would a pacing, pouting,  pathetic mess!
It took 4 months of whining before God finally broke through. I had been complaining about the people that I felt had placed me in this mess, when it was really God leading me to something much better.
God had to first lead me to a place where I had no distractions. Eventually in this place I was able to spend 2 months of amazing time with Him. I was able to walk and talk with Him, study His word and chill out.
I needed that time to reflect and learn from the past few years.
I needed that time to humble up and remember that God is leading and I am dependent on Him.
I needed that time to be grateful, and do some growing up.

I eventually ended up in a job with exceptional leaders and training to take me to the next level in my career and leadership, as well as finding a church that became our new home for many years.

Cool Tidbits from Exodus 17;

In Exodus 17
  • we once again see the Israelites grumble at Moses because they don't have water.
  • They don't turn to God to provide even though they are still eating wafers from heaven each morning.
  • Moses, who's entire life is marked by prayer goes to God and God miraculously provides for them once again.
  • God also uses this as a time to remind the Israelites that He has chosen Moses as their leader.
  •  We see Joshua introduced for the first time in this chapter.
  • In the altercation with the Amalekites Joshua leads them into battle. We see Moses as the picture of a man pointing to God as he lifts his arms. This is a beautiful picture of our reliance on God for Victory and how important it is for our leaders to lead in humble reliance on God.
  • God predicts in this chapter that the Amalekites will be annihilated.  The Amalekites were a sect that came from a grandson of Esau named Amalek. They were almost annihilated in a battle with Saul. Saul disobeys and leaves Agag alive. There was a small sect left. Haman in the story of Esther was one of these Esther 3:1-6. There final destruction happens during the time of Esther under King Hezekiah 1 Chronicles 4:41-43

Dig Deeper:

Link to Genesis 17



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