Judges 14: Not Worth It

First thing First:

Here is a quick Summary of Judges 14.
Samson is no longer a baby. He is all grown up and ready to get married. This is where we begin to see a bit of Samson's character. We know from chapter 13 that Samson is chosen to be used by God to be a judge of Israel. With that choosing came some special rules. Samson doesn't seem to have much use for obedience. He see's a woman he wants to marry and informs his parents that they must get her for him. She is not an Israelite, she is from an enemy nation called the Philistines. His parents object as this is expressly forbidden for the Israelites, but it's not long before they give him what he wants (hmmmm maybe he's a bit spoiled).
One of the rules that Samson is suppose to obey is to not touch any dead thing (rules schmules).  On the way to visit his new fiancĂ© Samson is approached by a lion. With the special strength he gets from the Spirit of God, Samson kills the lion with his bare hands! As he travels home later he see's some bees have made a nest in the dead lion. Samson wants honey. Disregarding the dead thing rule he scrapes honey from the carcass. When he gives it to his parents he conveniently forgets to tell them that he broke the rules.
At the wedding feast he makes up a riddle about the lion and wages 30 groomsmen that they can't guess it. When his new bride manipulates him and gives away the punchline, he uses his special "Spirit of God given strength" to kill 30 men and pay off the winners.
He then goes home to sulk and  while he is gone his bride is given to another man.


So, what did I learn?

1.God can use even a disobedient person to serve Him and bring about his purpose, that doesn't make my wrong actions OK.
2. Getting what I want without waiting on God usually doesn't work out well. The price is not worth it.  It's best to wait for God to give me what He has for me.
3. God choose who He will use. It's not based on what I do, but on His will. Read Romans 9
4. God is good and extremely patient
5. God chose Samson to defeat the Philistines and free Israel from bondage. He will accomplish this purpose regardless of Samson's behavior.


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