The Big Picture, God and Me: Genesis 1-12

Each year Stan and I make it a goal to read through the Bible. This year is no exception. As I read through this year my goal is focus on the big picture, know God more, and follow him daily as I get become more familiar with his voice in my daily life. 

As an artist I can't help but doodle to help me remember the main point.

Starting at the beginning 
in Genesis 1-12, we come across some well known characters, Adam and Eve, Noah. and Abraham. 

Looking at the big picture  in these first 12 chapters there is an important transition. It starts with the focus on one small family, Adam and Eve, transitions to a content full of sinful people then moves back to focus on one small family, Abram and Sara. 

Looking at the big picture in these chapters we see men and women who fail a lot in their personal lives but please God by placing their faith in HIM, they trust HIM, they follow HIS voice. They don't look for the approval of people (Noah and Abram especially), they aren't personally ambitious or placing their faith in careers, promotions, self righteousness, education or fame. They have one purpose; to hear God's voice and obey, knowing that God always keeps HIS promises, even if they personally fail daily and can't see the big picture, they move forward in obedience. 

Personal Application:

Don't put my faith in my own strength. My focus cant be on my own accomplishments and failures, I need to put my faith in knowing that He never fails. He knows the big plan. I need to listen for His voice and obey, even when I can't see the big picture, He can.

Galatians 6:7 James 1:2-3 2 Corinthians 5:1-7 Genesis 1-12

My prayer

Father, Help me to listen for your voice today, then give me the strength to obey even when I don't know the outcome.

Hope Wirta


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