Pacifiers Genesis 20


If you have not had a child that used a pacifier you have may not understand the pain the day it comes to part your child and this much loved item. These aptly names contraptions have saved mothers, fathers, babysitters and countless others hours of sleep from restless or teething children. The problem with these baby soothers is that there comes a time when we need to help our children learn to live without them. The pain of teaching the child to self soothe, and trust that you are there to care for their needs, is not an easy one. It can take many sleepless nights and zombie like days until the lesson is learned. Then just when you think you have achieved success and the child sleeps happily through the night, he or she gets a cold or a new tooth and you have to decide; do I resort back to the pacifier and sleep or do we keep moving forward?
God and Abraham had an issue much like this one. Abraham had effectively used a fraud technique years before to ensure his safety when in Egypt. He used deception to keep his family safe. God has graciously saved Sarai and Abram from the terrible consequences that could have destroyed them both. 25 years of a trusting relationship later, Abraham in a moment of panic seems to have a relapse and reverts to his pacifier for comfort instead of his trusted Father. God in his patience once again spares them.. He reminds Abraham once again that He doesn't need to resort to lying for protection. God can be trusted. Abraham does eventually learn.


  • The king in the area of the Negev is innocent and  responds immediately to God's word that comes to him in the dream
  • This is the first time in scripture that we see Abraham referred to as a prophet, or a man that speaks on behalf of God
  • Abraham is embarrassed and is rebuked by a the heathen king for his lie. How embarrassing!

Link to Genesis 20



  1. half truths are still lies by omission. They lived in countries of Nomads where killing was as easy as breathing so I really understand his fear. I may have done the same thing. maybe he wasn't afraid for just himself but his whole family. This powerful king could have killed them all and taken everything for himself.


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