My Prayers Matter Genesis 18-19

Prayer Matters

Numerous studies have been done over the years to show that prayer not only makes a difference to a person's faith, it also has a dramatic effect on the physical aspects of healing, and brain injuries. In study after study all over you can read about the undeniable results. Is that because prayer gave them hope, or is there something more?
 People who pray and are prayed for have less depression, divorce, and illness. Medical patients that also had links to strong spiritual communities were found to live longer and healthier lives overall. In a 5 part study by Barbara Bradly Hagerty, in the book "Is This Your Brain on God?" Barbara states that there is a notable difference between the brains of those people who pray often and those who don't. A neuroscientist  at the University of Pennsylvania states that prayer and meditation actually physically change your brain. The effects of prayer on the brain can have notable and  long lasting benefits.
Even with all these statistics the best reason to pray is one that can't be measured by science. Prayer helps us know God. Knowing God gives our lives hope: hope for relationship, forgiveness, love, truth, purpose, redemption and so much more. Romans 5:5 states that "hope does not disappoint because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit effects every part of our being, heart, soul, mind and strength.
God listens to our prayers. In Genesis 18-19 we find  Abraham talking once again to God.
Abraham speaks to God with complete confidence that He is being heard. he doesn't cower, he is completely honest in his petition.  We can tell by the way he speaks that he knows God. He used this knowledge to plead for the lives of his nephew Lot and his family. Abraham prayed and God answered. It was not the answer Abraham wanted but  God made sure that Lot got out of Sodom before it went up in flames. Prayer matters, I can't explain it, because my human mind only has a limited capacity, but I know without a doubt that it is true. I know that God doesn't always answer the way we wish he would, but I know he hears and acts on our behalf and always for our good. Just like Abraham.
We have all suffered losses that leave us wondering if our prayers matter. In this fallen world we will continue to suffer loss, sickness, death and pain. Prayer, connection with God and each other help make it bearable, they give us hope. Those times that  we see small glimmers of what we are waiting for keep us going.  Keep praying, your prayers matter. Prayer changes us in every way.


  • 18:1-15 show of Isaac's birth being predicted (see also Romans 9:9)
  • We see God again showing Abraham things that will happen in advance with Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Abraham knows that God is a merciful and just God, he uses this in his plea for the cities
  • God was not able to find 10 righteous, the cities had reached the point of not return, Abraham shows by his reduction that he was aware of this.
  • in 18:27 we see Abraham's great humility before God
  • Lot was a prominent man in the city by his place at the gate
  • Lot was so concerned for the strangers he insists they stay at his house
  • Lots offer of his daughters to the strangers shows that although he wanted to protect the strangers the wickedness of the city had changed his position on what was acceptable
  • Lot ends up being protected by those he had been trying to protect
  • The area where the cities were are now believed to be under the south end of the dead sea
  • Lots wife paid the price for her love of her home in the city
  • Lots daughters had been so effected by the city that they make the immoral decision to become impregnated by their father when they think the world has ended. 

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