Road Signs: Numbers 6-10

In the days before GPS it was possible to be completely and utterly lost. It usually happened when
you were late, but the worst is when you are in a place where you don't even speak the language, road signs mean nothing, no-one understands what you say, and you're not sure at what point you got turned around. How do I get back to the hotel? Where is the rest of my group? All these cafe's look the same. Its a sick, scary, desperate feeling that leaves you with visions of yourself alone, standing on the street corner in the dark under a single street lamp. Imagine this scenario in the wilderness of Sinai. Could you imagine being the Israelites left sleeping in your tent and missing the trumpet call to move out. The cloud of God was the GPS. When the cloud lifted you followed, when the cloud settled you stopped. The trumpet blasted to let you know it was your tribes turn to get in line, but you were out late and slept peacefully in your tent missing the whole thing. You wake up, stretch, open the flap to your tent and look out at the rocky wilderness, no tabernacle, no Israelites, uh oh.......the wilderness looks the same in every direction, not a cloud in sight........


  • Chapter 6 is a description of the Nazarite vow; a vow that was taken to set a person apart for the Lord's use for a specific time. The vow included certain food restrictions and physical commitments.These restrictions included not touching dead bodies, male hair cuts and not consuming anything from the grape vine.
  • Chapter 7 was list of where the Israelites were to camp in relation to the tabernacle, and how they would move out at the trumpet calls. This is a great symbol of the trumpet calls in Revelation as well. The trumpet will call out the order of things in that book as well.
  • Chapter 8 discusses the cleansing of Levites for service as the first born dedicated to God
  • Chapter 9 The tabernacle is raised up for the first time and the Lord ascends on it, He is a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day.
  • The Israelites only moved when the cloud moved, followed it's leading and stopped when it stopped.
  • Moses asks his father in law to stay with them as a guide, this shows some doubts on Moses' part, Jethro at first declines, the text does not go deeper into the subject for now.

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Read Numbers 6-10



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