Grasshoppers and Giants Numbers 13

In Numbers 13 the Israelites have finally arrived at the promised land. They are ready to go in and conquer the land that God has promised He will give them. However, instead of moving forward and taking the land they ask Moses to send in spies to check it out first (Deuteronomy 1:22-23)
They want to see what they are up against, and if they can take these guys. 
If we are relying on ourselves for the strength, mental power and tools we need to get through life, fear is completely understandable. If our eyes are not on God, it only makes sense for us to fear the giants in the land, and say as the Isrealite spies did “we look like grasshoppers next to them.” When I look at life; making my marriage work and last, doing well at my job, raising kids that love God, paying off debt, changing habits in my life, I feel like a grassopper next to a giant. If though I choose to hold the problems up and view them next to God, suddenly it’s the  problems that look like grasshoppers. The trick is your perspective. If we have a proper view of God we have no reason to let fear get ahold of us. This is the what God wants from His people.
Joshua and Caleb see the size of their God when they are faced with the problem, not the size of the problem, just as David does when he is faced with Goliath. The other ten spies are looking to themselves and properly assess that they will be crushed if they try to take the land. It is only when we trust God that we can understand Calebs charge to the Israelites in Numbers 13:30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it”


  • The journey the spies take last 40 days and covers 350 to 500 miles. They did a thourough job.
  • Moses took the suggestion of the people and God allows it (Deut 1:22-23), however often when God allows us to do things it brings leanness to our souls Psalm 106:5 “He gave them what they asked for but brough leanness to their souls.”
  • When we keep our eyes on God we are not wishy washy about our decisions, it is fear that causes us to shrink back and be afraid James 1:6James 1:6  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind



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