Korah's Rebellion Numbers 16

Political Decisions/Korah's Rebellion

How do we decide if a political leader is one we should follow or not? When is a rebellion a good thing such as Martin Luther King or the German Monk; Martin Luther. When people decide to make a stand against the current authority how do we know if we should follow or not? Remembering that leadership is established by God, and we are commanded to obey authority. There are times however when we have to stand for what is right, and follow God, not men. Korah made his decision based on jealousy, he wanted to be the leader. He stirred the people up in rebellion by filling their heads with lies. We know that Moses was not a dictator, but a humble, servant hearted leader.
God did not bless this movement against Moses. Korah even though he was a priest did not believe in God's power or fear Him, he and his followers pay for this mistake.
It takes careful prayer to be sure that we are choosing correctly, not based on personal preference but on who God has chosen as the leader. Politically this gets difficult, especially when you are dealing with leaders that don't follow God. We need to value what God values, and bring Him into our decisions. God is involved in politics whether we want Him to be or not. God established all authority and He will decided the fate of the nations. In the meantime we need to be sure that we keep our eyes on God as we choose sides.

The people are murmuring again led by one of the Levite Priests Korah
Dathan and Abiram supported Him
Korah had duties in the tabernacle
They were angry because they were not able to enter the land of Canaan
They built up a mob to overthrow Moses authority
Moses in 16:22 call on the God who knows all hearts
The earth swallows all the rebels
Numbers 26:11 shows that God did not include the children in the punishment
The people grumble about the death of Korah and his followers and are struck with a plague
Aaron intercedes with prayer (incense) and the plague stops




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