As I Drive Away Deuteronomy 4

Don't share hats or brushes, eat what I packed in your lunch, don't be afraid to say no, if someone tells you not to tell, TELL ME!, When we drop our kids off at school that first day we are worried sick. Will they remember everything I told them? Will they be afraid to stand alone for what is right? Will they try to be cool and forget about everything we taught them? But most important, will they continue to walk with God?
This is the dilemma Moses faces as he sends Israel off to conquer the promised land with Joshua leading the way. In chapter four of Deuteronomy he give a mini-sermon about the laws, the unique position Israel is in, as God's chosen people; the only nation that has every heard God's voice. He reminds them to not follow idols, and to submit to God's law so it will go well with them. He tells them to REMEMBER what has happened before and not repeat it.


  • 4:7 Don't forget God is near to you
  • 4:9 Teach what you know of God to your children
  • Do not create images of God as He has no form (we worship God in Spirit John 4:24)
  • 4:13 A repeat of the 10 commandments
  • 4:24 God is a jealous God and you would be wise to remember this
  • 4:25-31 A prophecy of Israel's Exhile



Read Chapter four:


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