Trust Trumps Doubt or Five things I learned from Joshua 12-14

5 Things I learned from Joshua 12, 13 and 14

  1. Leaders are raised and power is relinquished according to God's plan.
  2. It is important to do all that God asks with your all you have; mind, soul, and strength.
  3. God keeps his promises
  4. Follow God even if everyone around you disagrees (like Caleb did in Numbers 13) God's opinion is the one that matters
  5. You don't want to be the person that caused other people to not trust God (like Anakim who turned the ten spies away from what God's plan)

How does this help me know God?

Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent out in Numbers chapter thirteen.  The Israelites were ready to enter the land that God had promised to them. Twelve selected leaders went to check out the land of Canaan. As the story goes; twleve men all saw the same beautiful land and twelve men saw the same giants. Two of the men, Joshua and Caleb came back pumped up and ready to trust God to give them all the riches of this land. Ten men, one of which was Anakim, came back full of negativity, ready to go back to Egypt. The people followed the ten and doubted God. Because of the doubt all of the Israelites were made to wander in the desert for forty years until the doubting generation passed away. Caleb however was not a doubter. We read in Joshua chapter fourteen that he is still alive and well, and ready to finally receive his reward for having faith in God.
Two things struck me as I read this.
1. Always side with God! He wants the trust of those He loves.
2. My faith or doubt affects those around me.

Dig Deeper:

Read Joshua 12-14



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