Gideon the Mighty Warrior or 5 things I learned from Judges 6

Ephesians 2:10

 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

5 Things I learned from Judges 6

1. Just like Israel I am in danger of easily forgetting that I belong to God. I look to the world around me for approval and help. I hide in caves and allow the world to take the good things God wants to give me.

2.The prophet answers Israel's cry for help by telling them that they have not listened to God.
God has spoken to me in His word.
  • I need to listen by reading his word and trusting the truth that is there.
3.Gideon corrects the angel that calls him a "Mighty Warrior". He tells him how the world has defined him.
  • When God calls me a mighty warrior I can trust that He see's me as He intends me to be, not as the world has told me I am.
4.Gideon asks why God has abandoned them and left them at the mercy of their enemies.
  • Before placing blame on God for my circumstances I should examine my life.  I must take responsibility for my actions where necessary.
5.Gideon asks God several times if He is sure He called the right "warrior" to lead Israel to victory
  • God is merciful and understanding even when I am afraid.

Summary of Judges 6
Israel has been terrorized by the Midianites and Amorites. They are having their crops and livestock ravaged and have been reduced to hiding in caves out of fear. God sends a prophet to remind them that their plight is due to the fact that they have once again turned to idols and forgotten God.
Gideon son of Joash appears to be a coward, hiding in a winepress to thresh wheat, and sneaking out at night to do the things God asks him to do. Never the less,  God calls him to lead Israel into victory against their oppressors.
Gideon question God's choice, reminding God that he is not the warrior type. He even asks God for a few signs to be sure He has chosen correctly. God assures Gideon that He is His man.

Hope Wirta

Read Judges 6:


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