What I learned from Judges 11

What I learned from Judges 11

1. You don't need to bargain with God. Trust Him to do what He says He will do. God does not ask for sacrifices like false idols. False gods (idols) in the time of the Judges were believed to want human sacrifice. The things God asks for over and over is our devotion, our trust and our hearts.

2. God's love for us does not change his hatred of evil. God has not changed his view on evil over the years. What has changed is His anger of sin has been satisfied by Jesus.

3. Think before you make rash promises, especially if you are not asked to. Judges 11:35

4. Don't be proud when you do well, accept that victory comes from the hand of God.

5. Don't let the practices and religions of the people around you taint your view of  how you should worship God. Read His word and know for yourself.

Summary of Judges 11:

Jepthah is the son of a prostitute. His half brothers run him out of town. He is great in battle. When the Ammonites come attacking suddenly the people of Israel want Jepthah to come back and defeat the Ammonites. They tell him that if he wins he can be their leader.
The Ammonites were attacking Israel over a land dispute.
Jepthah makes a rash vow that he will sacrifice the first thing that comes out of his house if he is victorious.
God empowers Jepthah to lead the Israelites to victory
His victory over the Ammonites ends in sorrow when to keep his vow he sacrifices his daughter, who is the first thing out of his house.



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