Judges 15 - 300 Foxes

Judges 15


Judges 15 opens with Samson going to visit the wife he left behind. After his wedding ceremony in chapter 14 he lost a bet and went home to sulk, leaving his new bride at her fathers house. The father, undenounced to Samson gives her to someone else. When Samson and his goat show up, the father of the bride tries to appease Samson with her younger sister. Samson is not happy and decides that he has a right to get even with the Philistines for this rudeness. He catches 300 foxes (we are not told how he does this). He then ties them into twos by their tails. Each pair has a torch attached to them and is set free to run into the wheat fields. The fire evidently not only kills the wheat but the olive groves and the vineyards.
The unhappy Philistines want to know who is to blame. They decide to pin the fault on the Indian giving bride and her dad. They take them both and burn them. The rivalry between Samson and the Philistines continues as Samson goes on to kill a bunch of Philistines. They follow him home with an army. He hides in a cave, but the Israelites take him from the cave and offer him back tot he Philistines, who happen to be ruling over Israel at this time. Samson breaks the ropes with the strength of the Spirit of God, grabs a jawbone, defeats the Philistines and rules Israel for the next 20 years.

What I learned from Judges 15

1. Galatians 6:7 is more than a needle point saying, you really do reap what you sow.
2. Stay humble and leave vengeance to God.
3. God often uses the most unlikely people to fulfill his purposes
4.People may turn not get your back but God always will. If he chooses you to do a task He will see it to completion.
5.When God chooses leaders He refines them often through trials

Hope Wirta

Read Judges 15



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