Judges 17-18/ We Don't Need No Stinkin Rules

What I learned from Judges 17 and 18

Quick Summary:

Micah , with his mother and following her example, creates and worships idols made of silver. He then makes a shrine in his home and names two of his very own priests, one is his son and the other is a defective Levite priest of Israel.
Bad men from Dan steal his priest and his idols, probably thinking they would give them success in battle. They move far away from Micah and name their new city Dan.

The Key Phrase in this section of Scripture:

There was no king so everyone did was right in their own eyes.

Remember: Israel's King was always meant to be the One True God!!!

What I learned:

  • Anything that takes becomes so important that you fight over it, become anxious about losing it and think about too much is probably and idol in your life.
  • Just because someone calls himself a priest does not mean he seeks or even knows God.
  • People want something bigger than themselves to believe in; however, they want something they can control that will do what they want, not someone they need to submit to.
  • God can be trusted, people often cannot.
  • God brings peace and joy, idols bring fights and chaos.


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