1 Samuel 18: Wasting Energy

1 Samuel 18: Wasting Energy

After David defeated Goliath in chapter 17 Saul kept him at the palace full time. During this time David and Jonathan, Saul's son become the best of friends. Jonathan is devoted to David. The people
of Israel seeing David's success begin to sing and chant about him in the streets; Saul has slain his thousands, but David has slain his ten thousands. Saul had made promises of a wife and wealth to the man who defeated Goliath. Saul becomes bitter and jealous and afraid of David as he realizes that God is with David. Due to God's blessings David is successful in all he does. Saul promotes David in the military hoping to send him off on campaigns and get rid of him, but this only serves to show how successful David is. The men and people become loyal to David and follow him faithfully. Saul offers his daughter Merab to David in marriage David humbly declines this honor. Saul later offers his daughter Michal (who happens to sincerely love David). Saul is hoping she will be a snare to David. David knowing he has nothing to offer for the marriage at first declines. Saul allows him to bring the foreskins of Philistines in place of money, again hoping this will end in David's demise. David does the deed and delivers the foreskins, and to Saul's dismay, comes to no harm. All Sauls scheming does not good, he hates David becoming his life long enemy. David now has the devotion of the people and the military, a wife who loves him and a devoted friend in the Kings son.

What I learned from 1 Samuel 18:

1. Is God is for you it doesn't matter who is against you.
2. Scheming does not good if you are going against God's plan.
3. Jealousy is wasted emotion.
4. Seek God and allow him to give you what you need.
5.Doesn't waste time worrying about who does or doesn't like you. Only God's opinion matters.

Hope Wirta

Read 1 Samuel 18:



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