Paparzzi Moment Genesis 9-11

Paparazzi Moment

As we stand in line at the grocery store we stare at picture after picture of lives caught on film. Paparazzi's are always on the lookout for a headline, real , true or not. The words above the picture tell us "a" story that may or may not be what really happened. We are left wondering how much is true and how much is a misleading sell. One picture can have a thousand different meanings, as the magazines try to catch peoples attention with sensationalism.
We can't help but wonder along with everyone else; is she pregnant, are they getting divorced already, who is wearing what, did they have a "secret" wedding, are they having an affair? We may even be tempted to turn to page 63 and read more. Then our internal dialogue shakes a finger our direction.
 One part of us says "we are way to mature to be interested in the ridiculous frenzy surrounding famous people". Another part of us really wants take just a quick peak. Our eyes scan the pictures even when we don't want them to; after all stuck here in line anyway, what will it hurt to look?
In Genesis 9 Noah's son Ham was in this same situation. To make things worse the spectacle he was gawking at was His father and it wasn't a photo. Ham was laughing as Noah was sleeping in his birthday suite, after a little to much sampling of the family vino. His father had just saved his entire family from being wiped off the earth by obeying God and building the ark. But Ham just can't resist sharing the spectacle with his brothers, because juicy gossip is best when shared, right? All his fun come to an abrupt halt however when to spare their father any further embarrassment his brothers choose to take the high road. They look the other way while covering dad with a blanket. They both receive Noah's blessing while Ham  and his descendants are cursed for his impulsive decision....ouch.  Maybe not turning to page 63 is a better idea.

Tidbits form Genesis 9-11

  • The family lines of Shem, Ham an Japheth are written.

  • In these chapters we meet Nimrod who comes from the line of Ham. He built many great cities, including Nineveh (the city that Jonah doesn't want to preach to later in the Bible, resulting in him getting swallowed by a whale).

  •  Because of his choice Ham receives a curse on his family line, Noah gives a blessing to the family lines of Japheth and Shem. 

  • Shem will prove to be the family line that Abraham, King David and Jesus descend from.

  • Nimrod had great ambition as well as being a skilled man, and  leader. He proves himself as an architect, has great political power. This was probably not by birth but by election.

  • Nimrod was the architect of the Tower of Babel, which will appear in chapter 11.

  • After the plan at Babel fails, Nimrod  goes to build more cities which he will then also rule. He is powerful, prideful and rebellious

  • God commanded Noah and his family to replenish the earth. About 50-75  years after the flood in Chapter 11 we see the subsequent population trying to do just the opposite. They are trying NOT to spread out, Not to be divided and Not to rely on God. They wanted to make a name for themselves and stay close together

  • .God confused the languages at Babel and dispersed the nations. In the book of Acts in the New Testament we see him do this in reverse. When Peter and the disciples are speaking to the crowd about Jesus who has risen from the dead and as the Holy Spirit, descend on them, everyone hears him them in their own language. God is not limited by language

  • So God came down and did what was best for men. He is still working his plan to restore the broken relationship from the garden. He has a plan and men will not change it. He knows exactly what he needs to do in each of our lives to accomplish what he needs to accomplish.

  • As we get to the end of chapter 11 we end on Terah, Abrahams father.

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