Sarah Remembers Genesis 16

Sarah Remembers

His voice was low and held a mystical air as he retold the well know story. His melodic
recitation sent her in to a dream like state. She had heard this story many times, but she never tired of
hearing Abraham tell it. He had such a soothing tone and you could hear the passion for El Shaddai in every syllable. Isaac sat glued to his father's words. As Sarah watched the scene in front of her, her mind could see the flood of Noah, the rainbow, and each face of the nine generation that followed and filled the earth once more with animals and people. Yet even after the great flood people did not remember El Shaddai. Seth there forefather had taught his family well, but as the people spread out many followed Nana (the moon god) and other gods, in the ziggurat temples of UR.
It had been many years since Sarah and been in the city. She had adjusted after her marriage to Abraham.  Life as a Nomad was difficult but good. Abraham had taken good care of them all. He had made sure she was well cared for, well, most of the time. Where he had faltered, El Shaddai  had stepped in.
It was terrifying being in the palace. It was so different, she had grown up in UR, but Egypt was not UR, and the circumstances were very different. God had spoken to Abraham, they left everything to travel to an unknown place, now there was a famine, and now Abraham had asked her to lie about their marriage, to protect her. She was used to men looking at her. She had been aware of the effect her beauty had on men. She had always been properly modest and her family had been well known. When she was taken to the Pharaoh as his concubine she prayed to El Shaddai to protect her. She was married, what was she doing here? How could he let this happen. "El Shaddai please keep me safe, keep me from disgrace".
She lived among the other women in the palace. Every night she prayed "El Shaddai please don't let me be called to Pharaohs chamber" God heard her and spared her. When the Pharaoh discovered the truth by El Shaddai's hand he spared Abrahams life as well. This betrayal happened not once but twice, not so long ago,  about a year before Isaac was born; again El Shaddai had intervened. This time the miracle of deliverance came in a dream, and she was spared again. At times Abraham faith was unshakeable, then it was as if he was one his own. El Shaddai on the other hand, had never failed them, even when they had failed to trust in Him.
As she watched young Isaac listen to his father she was reminded of another son, and her own moment of weakness. Those years had required so much of her. She loved Abraham and always done what he asked without question. She had followed with her husband as El Shaddai lead them, and she shared in the devotion her husband had for Him. But, hadn't they both questioned God when it came to the child? Even Abraham had asked if the slave Eliezer was to be the son of promise. Everyone around them used concubines to have children when they were barren. Why not her? She had been humiliated among the people long enough. Hagar was willing, maybe to willing. She had fought with herself for months before she finally broke and told him to go to her for a child. She could tell Abraham was reluctant, but he went anyway. Sarah ignored the nagging knots in the pit of her stomach. She was too old, there was no other way.

The minute Hagar was with child Sarah knew , this was a mistake. Soon to follow were the cruel digs , little comments and smug looks, strutting like a peacock as her belly grew. Hagar milked it for all it was worth, making sure Sarah felt disgraced. The very thing she had been trying to avoid. Sarah  feelings of anger finally built, and eventually  spilled over onto Hagar, physically. As she looked back at her treatment of the girl guilt twisted her inside. Abraham in his gentle dealing with Sarah seemed to know it was best to let her deal with her maid as she saw fit. She had beaten her and thrown her out of the camp, but God stepped in. He spoke to Hagar and sent her back home. When she arrived she was a very different Hagar than the one who had left.
This was one of the many reasons Sarah loved Abraham, this and so many more. She loved that man.
The thought of that girl would always be a blot on their past.
Once the child was born Sarah was beyond herself with jealousy. She could hardly even pray, her utter and complete shame consumed her. Yahweh had promised Abraham a child, but Sarah knew now, this was not what God had in mind. She knew now it was better to let God  do things in His own time. Her schemes and plan just brought pain on everyone involved.
Abraham loved Hagar's son Ishmael, and Sarah felt more alone than ever.
Then one day God had visited, he came to their camp. This time the promise was for her. When the three guests had arrived there was no question that these were no ordinary men. They spoke near the tent, sure that she could hear. She would have a child in one years time. She laughed internally at the picture in her head, a 90 year old woman and her baby, but it wasn't laughter of disbelief. It was a young girls laughter, a giddy bubbling of joy. When the guest asked "why has Sarah laughed" she jolted. She hadn't made a sound out loud. This must be El Shaddai and he heard her soul. This was their El Shaddai.
She thought all would be better now that she had a son of her own. then she thought of Ishmael, if only.
Her anger at Hagar and Ishmael flared again as her own child grew, she did not want Ishmael to share in the blessing of the child God had promised. Even more as the children grew she didn't want this servants son to bully her baby boy. She knew she wasn't being rational but she just couldn't stand it any longer, she wanted the whole thing to go away. She didn't want the reminder of her impulsive mistake, her lack of faith. Finally she lost it. They had to leave. She demanded they be sent away. Abraham grieved over the loss, but El Shaddai gave him another promise; He would bless and care for Ishmael. They had gone on their way.
She didn't know all that would happen, but she knew that Yahweh would keep His promise, and He would do it in his way. Their offspring would be like the sand of dessert, and the stars of the sky. They would bless the nations. Yahweh is faithful.

Isaiah 40:25-31

New International Version (NIV)
25 “To whom will you compare me?
    Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.
26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:
    Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one
    and calls forth each of them by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
    not one of them is missing.
27 Why do you complain, Jacob?
    Why do you say, Israel,
“My way is hidden from the Lord;
    my cause is disregarded by my God”?
28 Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Read Genesis 16


  1. I have spent most of my life trying to rush in and do things the way I thought God should do them and helping Him out until I finally realized that God's way is so much better then mine and so I better keep hands off and let Him work.


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