Victory is a Partnership: Joshua 1

She sat in the car debating with herself. Staring at the massive glass double doors through her car window.The law office where her mother had set up a job interview for her sat there like some kind of Washington Monument, ominous and regal. Her mother knew someone, and "it's all set up". She made it sounds so easy; Just answer phones, sort mail and greet clients.
"MOM, what do you mean JUST?", "that sounds terrifying".
"It's not hard at all, you're a smart kid, you'll get the hang of it in not time".
"MOM, lawyers are all professional, I don't dress right, talk right, or know anything about law stuff. , I'm not like you, your a lawyer; people scare me."
"You'll be fine, the interview is at 8AM tomorrow. I set it all up ahead. This is a great opportunity for you. You will learn in time. Trust me."
Sarah new she needed to face her fear and go in, but she couldn't seem to make her hand pull the handle on the car door. She was terrified. In her heart she knew her  mom had done her a huge favor, and this was an amazing job, but those large doors just stood there, unmoving. She took a deep breath, sighed it out, clicked the door handle, and put one foot onto the sidewalk.

God has lead Israel from slavery in Egypt to the door of the promised land. It is time to cross the Jordan and take the land. He has promised to go before them and defeat all enemies, but the promise has conditions. You must obey all I have told you. You cannot be like the nations around you. I am to be your only God. I will keep my word, however you have to do your part and cooperate with me to have this land. I want to give it to you.

Obedience with God is how we cooperate with Him. We must obey with courage the things He give us to do. Victory is a partnership

Moses could not enter the promised land. He had disobeyed God's command once on the journey in his anger at the people. God had let him know that he would die today as he looked on land they would be given. This was the promised land. It was all they had hoped for. They were finally here. He thought back to the burning bush, Aaron, Miriam and all the years he had spent pleading with God not to destroy these stubborn people, so many lives had been lost to disobedience. It had been quite a journey. Israel would follow Joshua now. He had been right there, by  Moses side all those years, learning listening and fearless. Joshua had seen the friendship between God and Moses. He would do well. Moses had laid his hand and him and transferred his leadership. He had reminded Israel of all that God had done and said. If only they would listen. As he looked out over the beautiful land of promise, he heard his God and friend call him to rest.

Tid Bits in Joshua 1:

  • Three time in this passage God and Moses use the phrase "Be Strong and Courageous"
  • Our courage is based on who God is. We fear because of our own weakness. We must keep our eyes on HIM. Just like Peter walking on the water. (Matthew 14:22-26)

Dig Deeper: Read Joshua 1


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