Another Chance; Joshua 3

Can I retake the test, have another tryout for the play, reset the video game, how about two out of
 three?  Things don’t always work out the way we think they will. We may think we’re prepared, but when the time comes to remember, be brave, stay calm or even share our faith, we find we fall short.
Sometimes we fail so ashamed we don't think we deserve a second chance.
Second chances are a gift. Things don't always work out the way we plan. We don't always say the right thing, we chicken out or just give up. When we mess things up, or don’t do our best, second chances are an opportunity to get it right.
Israel is at moment a second chance moment.
40 years in the wilderness has ended. The generation that doubted God has all passed away. The new generation at the door of the promised land and this time they are going in, no turning back!
Joshua has been given a tremendous promise from God, as the relationship God had with Moses is passed to Joshua.
One more time the waters part as they follow the Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant into the raging Jordan river. It is at its fullest this time of year, literally pouring over its banks as it rushes down to the Dead Sea. God stops the water as if with his hand, 20 miles upstream. The new generation of Israelites walk across with confidence and not one foot got wet.

Read Joshua 3


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