Joshua 2: Rahab's is Chosen

Rahab had to make a choice. The king demanded that she turn over the men who had come to her house. " Send out the men, they are spies!". To disobey could cost her life. Her heart weighed her chances. If she hesitated they would know she was lying. Keeping her face relaxed as her heart pounded she made her choice. The men she had hidden upstairs under the flax were servants of the God of the Israelites. Her decision wasn't based on love, it was based on survival. In that moment she had to decide who she feared more, men or this God. This God who had everyone in Jericho's "hearts melting in fear".
She replied to the kings demand "I didn't know who those men were, I sent them away. If you hurry you might catch them".
When she knew it was safe she returned to the roof to speak to the men of Israel. Rahab is ready to deal with this God. She has a plan, and she strikes her deal. My life and the lives of my family for yours. I help you escape and when your God takes Jericho for you, let us live. I choose to place our lives in His hands.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

Tid-Bits from Joshua 2:

  • Joshua is close to 90 years old when he begins to lead Israel
  • The Israelites are on the plains of Moab as they get ready to cross the Jordan to take Jericho
  • The people of Canaan are extremely wicked
  • God has made his name known among the nations
  • The cord that Rahab leaves out is scarlet so it will be easily seen
  • The men probably chose Rahab's house because it would not seem unusual for travelers to go to the house of prostitute, it was also a great place to get information on the city.
  • Rahab is a great example of salvation by Faith

Read Joshua 1:


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