Because I said so: Joshua 6

Because I said so. Growing up this would get an automatic eye roll from any teenager, or a long
 drawn out whyyyyy from a toddler. We want to know why we have to: look both ways, be in by 10, not play with fire, wear sun screen the first day of summer, and eat our vegetables.
We vow as children that when we are parents we won't ever use those annoying words, but as all parents that have gone before us, we hear the words as they leave our mouths, and understand.
God knows that there are things we just don't get. And just like any good Father, he tells us to do things that we may not understand. We ask why? and we can almost here Him say "Because I said so".
We obey, because we trust that everything God asks us to do is for our good, and motivated by love.
The Israelites are heading into the first of many cities that must be taken in order for them to inhabit the promised land. God sends them in with a strange Hokey Pokey sounding game plan. If they questioned his instructions the didn't say so. They followed every stop, trumpet blow and battle cry, to the letter, at the sound of the victory shout the walls came tumbling down, as promised.
The people of Jericho were so terrified of the Israelites even before the battle, as they watched them camping just outside the city, that no-one was allowed in or out. They were quaking in their boots. As each of the 7 days passed, and the Israelites circled the camp like a cat circling a mouse the fear grew to a frenzied pace. God didn't need to create this glorious display of His power. He could have completed the task with a word, but he was creating a type of "pep talk" for the Israelites as they moved into conquer the promised land. "Follow my game plan and it's in the bag", NO FEAR!"
He also used this to once again show the nations, as He did in Egypt that He is God and there is no other.
Rahab was wise and chose the winning team before the battle. She was rewarded for her faith with life, for herself and her family.

  • Jericho was around half a mile in circumference, so it could be marched around pretty quickly
  • There are lots of seven's in this story, seven times around, seven priests, seven trumpets, seven days
  • Rahab is rescued as promised and brought to live near the Israelites
  • The "booty" was to be consecrated to the Lord, not kept by any persons.
  • The city was completely destroyed


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