Investing God's Gifts; Joshua 8

Joshua is a master battle strategist. Many of his battle plans are still used today. Joshua chapter 8 is an incredible read. Joshua is directed by God to take the city of Ai. God "again" charges him "do not fear", and to remember Jericho. God has given him the victory before the battle even begins.
Joshua using his God given ability and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit plans and executes an ingenious battle plan. Drawing the enemy out with a fake retreat and hidden soldiers, the Israelites sweep the field and celebrate a God given victory.
Joshua leads not only in battle but in character. He partners with God. Even though God has promised him a victory, Joshua invests all he has been given to lead the Israelites in battle and in obedience to God.
In Matthew 25 and Luke 19 Jesus speaks of servants who were given assets from their master to invest on his behalf. When the master returns he wants to know what the servant did with the money he gave them.
God has invested talents, Spirit given gifts, and passions in each of us. He expects us to invest what he has entrusted to us for the sake of His Kingdom and to strengthen His Body the Church. Joshua 8 is a great example for us to emulate.


Read Joshua 8:


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