5 Things I learned from Joshua 1 and 2: The Law or The Heart

5 Things I learned from Judges 1 and 2:

1. We must teach our children to remember all that God has done for us, so that they will not be tempted to follow the world.
2. Joshua told Israel to remember God's law and to submit (or yield) their hearts to Him. This is a great reminder that legalism is completely different than loyal obedience motivated from a grateful heart.
3. God's discipline is not vengeance it is loving Father guiding his children back to Himself.
4. Following the world leads to conflict and a troubled heart, following God leads to a peaceful heart, even in a troubled world.
5. God sends people into my life to remind me to follow him. I need to listen.

Summary of Judges 1 and 2
The people of Israel are happy in the new land. They conquered most of the land, but did not obey God and possess it completely. This causes problems. God knew it would. They end up living along side groups of people that worship idols. God knew they would yield to temptation if this happened, and He was right. The new generation that is born in Canaan does not remember all that God has done. They don't remember Egypt, the dessert wandering, manna, or Jericho; because of this they choose to follow the way of their neighbors. This rejection of God causes God to withdraw his protection and blessing to bring them back to Himself.  The Israelites  are taken captive by other nations. God raises up Godly judges (warrior/leaders)  that lead them back to follow God, but when the judge dies, they fall away again.

Dig Deeper:

read Judges 1 and 2.



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