5 Things I Learned From Judges 4/

5 Things I learned from Judges 4

  1. God chooses women to lead, and gives them the needed wisdom to lead well. Even though Deborah is described as
    the wife of Lapidoth the Bible does not mention that he sits under "The Palm of Deborah" with her. People come to her for wisdom and decisions. She is the leader that God has chosen. Judges 4:5 Her leadership was accepted by Barak the leader of Israel's army. 4:6
  2. When I do not trust God, there may be a heavy price. When I trust Him he will always deliver what He has promised, 4:9.
  3. Chariots and Horses mean nothing when God has delivered the obstacle in front you into your hands. He is glorified in the fact that His people put their hope in Him!
  4. You never know when God is going to call you to have courage and act. Always be ready 4:21.
  5. It takes courage to act when God calls you to. All that matters is that I act in full faith when God calls me to act.

Summary of Judges 4:

After the judge  Shamar passed away, Israel once again turned away from God. They were being oppressed by two kings, Jabin and Sisera.
A judge named Deborah sat under a Palm and spoke God's words to Israel. They came to her for wisdom. She held court.
Deborah told Barah that God wanted him to go to battle and deliver Israel. He said He would only go if Deborah went with Him. Because He was afraid God allowed a woman to deliver Israel instead of Barak.
Jael was the woman that killed King Sierra by driving a tent peg through his head while he hid and slept in her tent.



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