Five Things I Learned From Judges 7

Five Things I Learned From Judges 7

1. God allows us opportunities to Glory Him with our lives, if we will put our trust in Him. 7:2
2. God chooses those He will use for His purposes. We cannot see hearts of men the way He can. We need to trust Him to make those decisions. 7:4
3. God knows how to turn cowards into leaders. If we put ourselves into His hands, he knows what it takes for each of us to become what He created us to be, courageous warriors that glorify our Creator.
4. The Lord will ensure the victory, but for us to take part we must cooperate with Him.7:19-21
5. God's incredible patience with me should inspire me to worship Him.

Summary of Judges 7

God told Gideon to lead an army against the enemies of Israel; the Midianites, Amalekites and others. These armies were so large the Bible says that "the camels were as numerous as the sand". God tells Gideon that his army is to large; He does not want Gideon to say that the victory was won by the strength of men. God twice pares down the army from 60,000. down to 300 fighting men. With God given inspiration Gideon instructs the men to follow his lead. Going down at night He smashes a lantern and blows a trumpet. This startles the enemy forces. God confuses their minds of their foe and they fight against each other. Gideon and the army of Israel pursue them until the battle is won.

Read Judges 7


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