Five Things I Learned From Judges 8

Five Things I Learned From Judges 8

  1. I need to take my words more seriously. Gideon turned an angry mob with his carefully chosen words. (8:2) The Bible has a lot to say about choosing your words carefully.

    1. James 1:19 Be slow to speak

    2. Psalm 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath,

    3. Proverbs 18:21 Death and Life are in the tongue

  2. Literacy in Egypt and the Middle East areas of this time was limited to the educated elite. (8:13) Gideon wrote things so this puts him in that class.

  3. Don't let peoples flattery turn your head.

  4. Always remember to give God the glory as a leader. Victory and defeat are in His hands. (8:22-23). It is too easy to fall back into the worlds pattern of living, you can never let your guard down. (8:23-27)

  5. Don't get complacent after a victory. Walking with God is a one step at a time effort. I can never relax and think, "I've got this". The pull of the world is always there.

Summary of Judges 8:

Gideon and has army of 300 pursue the fleeing Midianites and its leaders. The once reluctant Gideon shows no signs of his earlier timidity. He punishes a group of inhospitable men and slaughters the town of Penuel. He tries to allow his son to do the honors of killing the captured leaders of Midian, but his son is young so he does it himself.
Although he had a great victory with God, Gideon in the end creates an idol from the gold spoils of war and turns to polygamy, like the world around him. Israel has peace while he rules as judge, but after his death they to turn back to idol worship as well.

Read Judges 8


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