He Will Lift you Up: Five things I learned from Judges 9

Five Things I learned from Judges 9

1. Thinking to highly of yourself never brings good to yourself or others. God knows what is best for me. Trusting Him with my life choices is best for everyone.
2. When someone gets up on a hill and screams out a warning, listen now, and make amends as quickly as possible. Don't let pride keep you from admitting you have screwed up.
3. If you think you got away with something......you are wrong. Repent and fess up, it's better than waiting to be caught.
4. Ask God who you should follow. Don't go with the crowd. Wisdom is better than bravado.
5. Don't under estimate a woman with a millstone. While you watching the guy with the sword she might drop it on your head. Be alert, danger doesn't always come from obvious places

Summary of Judges 9:

One of Gideon's sons, Abimelech, decided he should be king of Israel. He gets the support he needs from the men of Shechem and kills all 70 of his brothers (with one rock) to secure his throne.
One of his brothers, Jotham survives his treachery. He goes to a mountain top and declares in the form of fable form, "bad move guys, what goes around comes around", My dad saved all of you and this is how you repay our family?
In the end Sheche decides they don't like this king, and Gaal turns on him. There is a crazy battle with a lot of fire. Abimelech gets a millstone dropped on his head by a woman.

Hope Wirta

Read it for yourself;



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