1 Samuel 11: Stop your sniveling

1 Samuel 11: Stop Your Sniveling

The Ammonites ( a common enemy of Israel) had attacked and taken Jabesh Gilead ( an area of Israel). The Ammonites said they might consider a treaty if the Israelites would agree to shame themselves by gouging out the right eye of every male. When Saul heard what was happening, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.
He send pieces of an ox out to all of Israel, told them to stop whining and fight. He rallied the troops and whooped the Ammonites.
There was no longer any dispute about Saul as King of Israel, all the people happily followed him.

What I learned from 1 Samuel 11

1. I am a child of the King and need to trust my Father.
2. The Spirit of the Lord is the source of my power, not my own strength.
3. We all have people who want to humiliate and defeat us. We should trust God to get our backs, not react out of fear.
4. We are a fickle people. We follow leaders that give us what we want, and turn our backs on them when we don't like what they do.
5. Whining is never the answer to a problem.


Read 1 Samuel 11:



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