1 Samuel 14: Leadership Lessons


Jonathan and his armor bearer sneak out to attack an outpost of the Philistines. His father Saul and his 600 men (see chapter 13) are holding up in fear. Jonathan throws out a "Gideon type" test to see if God is with him. God allows the test and gives Jonathan victory. Saul seeing his son's leadership follows with his 600 men and join the attack. Saul in his not so brilliant leadership style  had
commanded his army not to eat until they battle was over. Jonathan not knowing this ate some honey. When Jonathan heard about his fathers command, he replied "that wasn't a very smart command". Saul's men were so hungry that they were eating animals raw. Saul was going to have Jonathan killed for his disobedience but the army men come to Jonathan's defense and he is saved.
Saul has a long difficult command as Israel's King. He is constantly in battle defending Israel's borders.

What I learned from 1 Samuel 14:

1. No matter what is happening, there is always time to seek God's will.
2. If you are a leader, serving and taking care of those that follow you is your first priority. The leaders should be the first person to sacrifice.
3. People follow courage and respect sacrifice, not false bravado.
4. Don't make rash promises or decisions, especially on behalf of others.
5. Hungry people make bad decisions.

Read 1 Samuel 14:



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