Here I am Lord: 1 Samuel 12

Here I am Lord

Summary of 1 Samuel 12

Samuel gives his final address to the Israelites.
He has been true to his words "Here I am Lord" since that first day God called him as a child.
He reminds the Israelites that his words are true and his motives are pure. They acknowledge this.
Then he lowers the boom, reminding them that the Lord appointed Moses and Joshua, heard them when they cried out to Him and delivered them from their enemies, even when they continue to  rebel. They continually looked to idols and human leaders instead of the One True God. God gave them the king they asked for even though it was wrong for them to ask. Samuel calls for sign from God to show that what He saying is true. God sent a sign of rain and thunder. The Israelites acknowledge their sin, but they are stuck with a king anyway. Samuel reminds them one last time to fear the Lord and serve him.

What I learned from 1 Samuel 12

1. God appoints leaders and causes them to fall. I must respect His choices and stay humble.
2. I place my hope in God and trust Him, not people or systems.
3. When I feel God is slow to answer it is not an excuse to go somewhere else to get what I want.
4. There are consequences for my choices.
5. God will keep his promises to me.

Read 1 Samuel 12:


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