The Bible Blog: 2 Samuel 18

As a mother of seven children, I have seen my share of broken hearts, some more serious than others with varying degrees of pain. I watched as my children went through lost sports events, broken friendships, betrayals, deaths of friends, car accidents and broken hearts. They endured the pain of body image ridicule, unjust teachers, being used by others and of course parents that were learning right along with them.

Thankfully God is a patient parent to growing  parents.

When our children do well we like to think it's a product of our great parenting. When they fail we wonder where we went wrong. We swing from high to low as we watch our kids bump and bruise their way through life, hopefully learning as they go
The most difficult part of parenting is allowing the bruises to happen and not preventing the falls that cause them. Allowing the bruises can often save our kids from much more difficult falls in the future.What children perceive as love is often just getting what they want. To love as God loves is putting our own feelings aside, even if our children don't like us for time and allowing them to learn.

David losses his son in chapter 18 of 2 Samuel. He mourns the loss of Absalom, but I often wonder if he is also mourning some of the choices he made along the way with this young man.

Hope Wirta

Click and Read:
2 Samuel 18


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