2 Samuel 22: The Bible Blog

2 Samuel 22

When our children were young we decided that it would be fun to have a swimming pool in the backyard. We made it a family affair to dig out the hole, put the sides around and fill it with water. It was a good size pool that went from 4 to 5 feet deep in the middle. It had a deck and locking gate for safety. The kids have a lot of great memories of that pool.
Over the years we had the worst time getting the chemicals right, and often the pool had a hazy bluish green color to it. The battle was real. No matter what we tried we just couldn't seem to get it right.
One afternoon my husband was working in the back yard when he heard a distinct, SPLASH!
He ran up to the deck, and finding the gate unlatched his worst fears were confirmed. A toddler from next door hand come into the backyard, found his way to the pool and tottered over the edge into the murky water.
Stan jumped over the edge, tool belt and coat still on, into the water to fish out the drowning toddler. He fished around, found the little guy and pulled him up, surprised, spluttering and wet, but alive! He took home safe and sound. That child probably had no idea at his young age how blessed he was to have a savior that day.

Todays song of praise in 2 Samuel 22 reminds me that when I couldn't save myself, God sent a savior to fish me out of the murky water. He gave everything so that I could live. In my simple mind, there is no way I can understand how much that cost Him. All I can do is be grateful.
As we come close to the end of 2 Samuel this song of praise closely mirrors the beginning of Samuel where we read Hannah's song of praise. You can also find it written by David in Psalm 18.


2 Samuel 22


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