2 Samuel 13: My Daily Bible Blog

2 Samuel 13: My Daily Bible Blog

What Happened:

David's son Amnon falls in "love" with Tamar, who is his half sister. She is the daughter of another one of David's wives and brother to Absalom.
With the help of his uncle and servant Amnon comes up with a plan to lure Tamar into his bedroom by faking a sickness. Even though Tamar pleads and reason's with him, he takes what he wants by raping her.
She is distraught by the disgrace Amnon has heaped on her. He hates her now that he has taken what he wanted. She goes to live in the home of her brother Absalom.
David hears what has happened and is furious, but takes no action. Absalom is also furious. He waits to take his revenge.

3 years pass

Absalom lures his brother into a feast and has him killed. Absalom flees to another village.
David  finishes mourning, and wants to see his son Absalom.

My Prayer:

Father help me to check in with you when my wants override my love for others. Holy Spirit remind me of the consequences of not telling my children the truth because Satan tries to throw my own shame in my face.
Give me the courage to be parent that is willing to lovingly guide my adult children, even if it means facing their anger.

Hope Wirta


2 Samuel 13


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