2 Samuel Chapter 10: My Daily Bible Blog

2 Samuel 10: My Bible Blog

What Happened?

David hears that one of his former allies has died, the King of the Ammonites. His son Hanun succeeds him as king. David wanting to continue the cooperative spirit between them sends a convoy with his condolences. Hanun is badly advised that these men from King David are spies. He decides to ambush them and sends them home with half their beard shaved off, and their tushies exposed. When King David hears about this humiliation he has Joab, the head of his army, handle the
situation. Joab is wise in his tactics. The Ammonites with the help of the Arameans prepare to meet him on the battlefield, but in the end they wind up fleeing in fear from the Israelite forces.

My Prayer:


Remind me to take the time to seek you before judging the intent of others. Help me to seek wise council and to be at peace with others whenever possible. When it is not possible help me to come to you for the right course of action.


Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the LORD.


2 Samuel Chapter 10

Hope Wirta


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