2 Samuel Chapter 4; My Daily Bible Blog

2 Samuel Chapter 4:

Ishbosheth was in line to become the King of Israel after Saul. Abner, who had been the head of Saul's army, had tried to help Ishbosheth take the throne in place of David. In the end Abner was somewhat of a double agent, as he also made a deal with David. Joab, the head of David's army didn't Abner and killed him in chapter 3. When Ishbosheth hears about Abner's death it freaks him out. He didn't suffer long though, as soon after this event, his own servants sneak in to his home and murder him. Thinking David will be pleased that they have killed his opponent they cut off Ishbosheth's head and bring it to David. David reminds them that God is the one who has made him King not people, and murdering innocent men is not how God does things. He then has them put to death in punishment.

My Prayer:

Father, help me to remember David's faith in you, even when he saw no hope. Remind me to keep my eyes on you when I am tempted to take things into my own hands, thinking that I can bring about your purposes my way. Give me faith to do what is right and trust you with the outcome.


Read 2 Samuel Chapter 4:

Hope Wirta


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