2 Samuel 8: The Daily Bible Blog

2 Samuel 8: The Daily Bible Blog

What Happened?

Now that David is settled into his palace and received his revelation of instruction and blessing from the Prophet Nathan, it is time to remove Israel's enemies and establish the kingdom. Chapter eight chronicles the victories that God blessed David with. David has one successful military campaign after another surrounding Israel (north, south, east and west), including the Philistines, the Moabites the Edomites and many others. He establishes peace and becomes famous for his rule.
1 Samuel 8:15 states that "David reigned over all of Israel and did what was fair and right for all his people".
verse 7 says that "The Lord gave David victory wherever he went"

My Prayer:


I tend to be prideful and greedy even when I want to have the best motives. Search my heart and show me when my motives are wrong. Help me to seek to please you. When you choose to bless me, help me to have a grateful heart and give you the praise you deserve.


2 Samuel Chapter 8

Hope Wirta


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