2 Samuel Chapter 3: My Daily Bible Blog

2 Samuel Chapter 3

What Happens:

In chapter three of 2 Samuel there is a conclusion to the two year war between those who are loyal to deceased King Saul, and those who want David to become King. 
This reminded me that we think we are so clever and powerful, when in fact God has already decided who will be King. 
Abner (had been Saul's army commander) flips sides and decides that he is going to help David become King. He makes a deal with David. David sends him on his way in peace, but tells Saul's son Ish-bosheth to send him back Michal (Saul's daughter that had been his wife but is now married to someone esle). Ishboseth sends her back to David.
Joab (who had led David's men) hears about David's deal with Abner and secretly murders Abner.
David makes it clear he had nothing to do with Joab's murder. 
The people's opinion of David swings in David's favor and he is well on his way to strengthening his position as King of Israel.

My Prayer:

Father never let me forget that your plans are higher than mine. I can't see what is best and more often than not my emotions get in the way. Help me to submit my plans to yours daily and trust you. Help me never to forget that you do not condone doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. 

Here is the link to today's chapter:

Hope Wirta


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