My Daily Chapter: 2 Samuel 15

My Daily Chapter:

2 Samuel 15

When I first started my position as a bank manager I was thrilled. I entered my first branch with that all too familiar “newby with power” walk. I was ready to show them all and change the world with my deep knowledge of leadership (all learned in books). It wasn’t long before I learned that lack of attention, silent grudges and neglected opportunities to praise others will cause the people you “thought” were loyal to conspire against you in the lunchroom.

Looking back at the wake of my personal ship I see the faces of the people that were subject to my young leadership mishaps and cringe. I feel badly that my education as a leader was at their expense. Each day as I get in my car I can only pray that God brings these lessons to mind and helps me to see each individual I lead as someone He has given me to learn from and serve.

This passage in 2 Samuel reminds me that as a leader it is easy to get caught up in “the big stuff” and lose sight of the individuals affected by our decisions.  David realized this lesson in tears as he walked away from Jerusalem and the son he loves. 
Leadership done correctly should never be easy. If it is you might want to visit the lunchroom.

Hope Wirta

Click and Read 2 Samuel 15


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